European Intelligence Agency (EIA) is a 2D platformer game for  PC which simulates spy missions throughout the city of Lisbon.

      C# + Visual Studio 2019
      Node.js + Insomnia


The game was developed as part of my Erasmus Mobility in Lisbon, at the University of Europe. I and my teammate worked hard and constantly in an Agile Environment to develop this project, coming up with new ideas and clear goals. Despite our initial lack of knowledge in the game development area, we managed to complete all the tasks that we had planned.
  Technologies used

My team used Unity Game Engine together with Visual Studio 2019 and C# for designing the levels, as well as for developing the game. The database was made using MySQL Workbench, together with a client-server using Node.js, and ran on Insomnia. 

Documentation & Logistics

The project has been strenuously planned several weeks before the beginning of its execution. Split into 13 backlogs (each representing a business week) the development process was split into design, implementation, phases, ending with the connection with the server. At the end of each backlog, sprint reports were done, later included in the Production Plan, a document that stores team information regarding the developing process.
My Tasks

Being the team leader, I was in charge of planning and structuring the team's workflow, as well as with the development of the Companion App "Spy For Hire", due to my prior experience. For this game, I also contributed by completing the level design and writing scripts for some AI behaviors. 
Story & Narrative

Bames Jond, who fought all of his life against corruption was defeated by a group of criminals
after stealing some documents with sensitive information. In consequence, he lost his most
valuable weapons: his most expensive pistol, a rifle from his soldier father, a sniper received
for his successful missions as a spy, as well as his armor and all of his money.

Now the player has to help him recover his fame and his items. The journey requires the
player to kill the most feared criminals on the entire planet. Everything starts in the most
western capital of Europe: Lisbon.

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