Spy for Hire is the Companion App for the PC Game    "EIA". The application is mainly a classic in-game store, but it shines due to its missions of going to the real world and checking in from nearby monuments and important places.

      Adobe XD
      Android Studio + Kotlin
      Node.js + Insomnia

"Spy For Hire" is the companion app for the PC Game "European Intelligence Agency". The application connects the game features and the real world, coming up with real-life features for the user, who has to walk to his proximity and check-in from a nearby place to receive in-game money. The places are fetched through Maps API, representing cultural monuments and buildings.

Being in charge of the development of the Companion App, I had difficulties implementing the feature of going to nearby places in the application's structure. The most challenging part was integrating the Google Maps API, using multiple libraries.
Planning & Implemetation

As with any other Companion Applications, "Spy For Hire" needed a proper and suitable implementation plan, which, in our team's case, requested more detailed documentation. The app was implemented, like the game, in an Agile Environment, using ClickUp to monitor our progress.


As a Companion App, our main task was to connect the data from the game with the application's data. As for the database, our choice was "MySQL", storing the accounts with corresponding information.
Watch the Trailer and the Demo on YouTube:

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