"IQ Quiz App" is an IQ Test Android application that eases users'  experience by providing several types of IQ Tests, displayed clearly and attractively. The application provides both a login system, as well as the ability to test yourself with an anonymous account.

      Adobe XD
      Android Studio + Kotlin
      Node.js + Insomnia

"IQ Quiz App" is an Android Application developed for a University Project. The app allows the users to test their IQ through multiple age categories, generating the result, displayed to them after finishing the test.
IQ Tests & Documentation

For now, "IQ Quiz App" has only one type of test: Raven. The future releases of the application will provide multiple types of IQ Tests widely used by the experts. The questions found in the tests are thoroughly selected from certain books found in the University's Library.
Technologies used

For the implementation of this project, my team used JSON to store the question and the answers for each of the tests. The backend relies on the user's data, stored in a MySQL database, using Node.js and Insomnia. The application uses the Retrofit API for communicating with the JS server and with the database for the CRUD operations.
 My Role

As the team leader, I was responsible for the logistics and the implementation plan. We worked in a team of 3, my technical responsibilities being tight to the coding and database part.

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